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Modern Apartment Building




我们为超高净值人士提供全权委托基金管理,IPO 认购和私人债券服务。我们的全权委托基金产品包括另类资产投资,例如碳信用和期权。


我们提供一站式服务,帮助您设置 家族办公室,申请免税计划并维持日常运营,包括家办的所有投资,法律,合规,审计,税务和公司秘书需求。



Strategic Vega Quantitative Fund

SVQ Fund 寻求通过利用市场波动以及利用美国和香港市场的现金和股票证券的市场错价来获得超额回报

Silver Arrow Absolute Return Fund

与 SVQ 类似,SAARF 也寻求通过利用市场波动以及通过不同的期权策略利用美国和香港市场的现金和股票证券的错价来实现超额回报。



Matrix Capital Investment Fund



  • 我们的投资策略是由我们通过跨市场分析获得的基本宏观观点驱动的,这些分析得到我们团队在各种资产类别的深厚专业知识和经验的支持。

  • 通过白皮书和链上指标的分析,对单个资产进行微资产基本面分析。这确保了我们投资的加密货币资产由信誉良好的团队开发,展示了清晰的实际应用,良好的开发目标历史,并拥有完善的开发和归属时间表。 

  • 有了我们基本的宏观和微观观点,我们在把关阶段将其与技术分析和价格行为分层,以便在最后的时机进入和退出投资。 

  • 这些投资头寸将作为多元化投资组合进行管理,确保投资组合能够从高风险调整后的阿尔法回报中受益。

Investment Framework.png


Abstract Pathway





 税收效率, 家办符合申请 13O/13U 下的免税计划的资格

Common SFO Structure

No trust.png



UBO 有资格申请就业准证并居住在新加坡

Common SFO Structure with a Trust



Resident Fund Scheme (13O)
Enhanced Tier Fund Scheme (13U)
Reporting Requirements
Annual tax returns to Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), annual statements to each of its investors or publishing relevant information on their website for investors to assess if they are liable to pay a financial penalty (Effective YA2020), declaration to IRAS for any non-qualifying investors.
Annual tax returns to Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) and annual declarations to MAS.
Fund Expenditure
Tiered spending requirement of at least S$200,000 in local business spending (including management fees, remuneration and other operating costs)
Tiered spending requirement of at least S$200,000 in local business spending (including management fees, remuneration and other operating costs)
Fund Administrator
Singapore-based fund administrator
Singapore-based fund administrator where fund is incorporated in Singapore
Fund Size
At least S$20 million in Designated Investments at the point of application and throughout the incentive period
At least S$50 million in Designated Investments at the point of application and throughout the incentive period
Cannot be 100% owned by Singapore investors. For all specified income to be exempted, each investor must be a qualifying investor. Any non-qualifying investor will have to pay an amount equivalent to the tax on their share of the fund’s income.
No restrictions
Purpose of Scheme
Aimed at Singapore Resident Funds (incorporated by a company) managed by a Singapore Fund manager.
Aimed at all funds over S$50 million managed by a Singapore Fund manager.
Benefit of Scheme
Specified income from Designated Investments is exempted from tax. (This exempts trading gains and remittances, which are usually taxable by Singapore tax resident companies).
Specified income from Designated Investments is exempted from tax. (This exempts trading gains and remittances, which are usually taxable by Singapore tax resident companies).
Fund Manager
Approved Singapore fund management company. Must employ at least 2 investment professionals, at least 1 is not a family member of the beneficial owner
Approved Singapore fund management company Must employ at least 3 investment professionals, at least 1 is not a family member of the beneficial owner
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